If you think 0 + 0 = everything, you'll be wrong on a lotta stuff

Bob Enyart talks about the fundamentals, mostly, that is, about God. If you make a mistake there, do you think that may lead you to make a few or many other mistakes? What are some of the important fundamentals? What if you get one or more of them wrong? Also, Bob asks you to consider helping us meet our $40,000 telethon goal to keep BEL, Theology Thursday, and Real Science Radio broadcasting for another year! If you're willing to, you can make a one-time or monthly donation or sign up for a monthly subscription in audio or video, on Blu-ray, DVD, or download, to receive Bob's verse-by-verse Bible studies, topical videos, sermons, or Televised Classics. Or, you can purchase any of our resources! So please help if you can!